绿专新金融学院将在新山Grand Paragon Hotel举办一场分享会。该分享将会精彩内容包括如何在短期内快速合法融资,及现场将有美国上市企业CEO与您分享成功案例,剖析中小企业的融资之路,共谈资本正道。
绿专新金融学院将在新山Grand Paragon Hotel举办一场分享会。该分享将会精彩内容包括如何在短期内快速合法融资,及现场将有美国上市企业CEO与您分享成功案例,剖析中小企业的融资之路,共谈资本正道。
GreenPro Capital Group (NASDAQ: GRNQ) is a US Nasdaq listed multinational financial services company headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. With more than 30 years of experience in the finance industry, GreenPro has accumulated a significant number of global professional certificates and strategic offices across the Asia Pacific region, which includes Hong Kong, Shenzhen, and Bangkok.